Bear Path Compost has a new home at 172 SANDGULLY RD N, SOUTH DEERFIELD, MA
We will be open on Saturdays starting April 5th from 9am-noon to load trucks and trailers. You do not need to make an appointment. Please note our soil blends are not available at this time.
SELF-SERVE CUSTOMERS: We have established a Self Serve Site for COMPOST ONLY at 28 Poplar Hill Rd, West Whately, Please see the self serve customers page for details
LOADING YOUR TRUCK OR TRAILER: We will be open on Saturdays from 9am to Noon for loading at the 172 Sandgully Rd N, South Deerfield site.
Directions to our new site: From The Yankee Candle flagship store on RT 5/10 South Deerfield, continue north for 1.4 Miles. Take a left turn onto Mill Village Rd. Proceed 0.9 miles and take another left hand turn onto Lee Rd. Go over RT91 and take an immediate right hand turn onto Sandgully Rd N. Proceed to the site.
From Conway/Ashfield area RT 116 south, turn left immediately after Pekarski's Sausage onto Lee Rd. At four way intersections turn left onto Still Water Rd. proceed 1.1 Miles to Sandgully Rd N on your right. Proceed to the site.